Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Time to get to work

As much as I've enjoyed working on making me happier, I need to move on to the more practical things on my list. This includes getting a job and losing weight. Yuck!

I finally started thinking about getting a job at the end of March. I signed up to receive job listings for our local city, county, and state jobs. Shortly after signing up, I found a job posting for a child welfare position. I have always wanted to work in child welfare and this seemed to be the perfect opportunity. I enlisted the help of a good friend to help edit my answers to the long list of questions. He is the best writer I know and he knows my strengths well. I was surprised to find how hard the first application was. I didn't expect to be hit with a high dose of anxiety, but I was. I got sick and had a very hard time formulating how to answer the questions, even though I knew the answers. Fortunately, my friend took over and basically re-wrote most of the answers. (Don't worry, I treated him to dinner.) What a blessing he is!

I've now applied for four jobs, three in child welfare and one other state job. I am happy to find that it is getting easier to write the answers and the anxiety is subsiding. I still hate applying for jobs, but the task is getting easier. Although I am getting more confident, my friend is still editing my answers.

Last week I got an email message inviting me to an interview. Yippee!! Although the interview is two weeks from now, I am fretting over what to wear, will I do a good job selling myself, etc. I know I am a good candidate for the job, but I'm still concerned. It's been many years since I went to a job interview. Thankfully, I have good friends who care about me. They've all been supportive and they are helping me decide what to wear, how to cut my hair, and how to prepare for the interview. I think I would be lost without them.

I went shopping this weekend to try and find something to wear. Wow, I really hate shopping! I found a couple of dresses, but I'm not really that happy with them. Fortunately, there is time to continue the search and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will find something.

The shopping trip made me realize that I really need to move forward with my plan to lose weight. Stay tuned for more on that...