Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I can't believe I am starting a blog. It's mind blowing! You see, I hate to write. I'm very uncomfortable sharing my feelings in print and I fret over everything I write. Although I am comfortable with computers at work, I don't use social media very much, except for Pinterest. I guess pushing myself to do new things goes along with all of the changes I'm hoping to make in my life.

My life is in transition. After 50+ years on this earth, I am recreating myself. 2014 was a life-changing year, most of it not good. I've decided that 2015 is going to be a transition year to a better life. My goals for the year are to:

  • reduce my stress
  • have more fun
  • find more joy in life
  • get to all of those projects I've been meaning to do
  • get a new job
  • spend more time with my family
  • work on losing weight

I know it sounds like a lot of things to take on in one year, but I really feel that they are all interconnected. Although I didn't put getting a new job as one of the top goals, it must be done this year. You see, I won't have my current job after October 31st. At first I was devastated by this news. I've worked for the same place for 26 years. How could they get rid of me after so many years of hard work? It's not because I'm not a hard worker and very good at my job, it's because they are restructuring and want new (young?) people. I have to tell you, that was hard news to take. Here I was working 24/7 for them and they didn't even appreciate it.

Now that I've had time to adjust, I'm almost glad I'm leaving. I will be fully glad I'm leaving as soon as I have a new job (I can't express to you how scared I am that I won't find a good job!). Since receiving the news, I have made many changes in my life. I no longer work 24/7...I work 8/5. This has allowed me to make progress on the other goals on my list, such as my stress which has dropped by a ton (except for worrying about that new job).

I don't know how exciting it will be, but I plan to document my progress towards the goals I have outlined above. If you are interested, please join me for a year filled with ups and downs (hopefully, more ups then downs), as I work to create my new and improved life.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your job I, too, have had job change recently after being at my job for seventeen years. It's only been three months now. But, card making does keep me busy and I plan to become more active in my church. I now have time for all those cleaning projects...hehehe!:-) Anyways, I do hope things go better for you! Take care, hugs!:-)
